About Us
We created Old, Fat, and Stupid to help men over 50 live better, more fulfilling lives… lives of no regret… lives filled with fun, passion, optimism, enthusiasm, and opportunity… lives that are well-lived and just scream to the world, “I’m cool. I love who I am and what I’m all about. I am living my best life – or giving it my best shot, at the very least.”
Our goal is to bring some fun, passion, and overall coolness into your life. Everybody needs some coolness, right? We hope to make you think, make you laugh, and show you new ways to bring more joy into your life. We’re all searching for our path as we go through our lives on this planet. What’s your specific path? Only you know the answer to that, but we hope to help you see that path of yours with great focus and intensity and passion.
If, in some small way, our site helps you become more optimistic and joyful about yourself, your life, and your future, then we’re calling that a big win.
I’m John. I’m an old(er) Boomer dude. And this is me. My son over there has the world’s shortest attention span and a completely unrealistic idea of how the world should operate. He’s wrong. I’m right. Nuff said.
Hey there! I’m Wade. I’m a young(er) Milennial. My dad (the old man in the picture beside me) has all kinds of outdated ideas and types his text messages with one finger, one letter at a time.
we’re glad you’re here!
From the both of us, a big hello!
With the difference in our ages, we represent two distinctly different points of view on most topics – life, goals, investment, entertainment, and so on. We find ourselves constantly giving each other a hard time about age-related issues. We’re extremely close and it’s all in good fun. That difference in perspectives is what we think makes this site unique, interesting, and definitely entertaining.
why’d we name this site old, fat, and stupid?
Just ’cause the website is named Old, Fat, and Stupid, it doesn’t literally mean you need to be any of those things to hang out here.
maybe you’re older
If you are, maybe you don’t weigh the same as you did when you were younger. And, since you’re older, maybe you feel like some people (your 25 year-old boss, your spouse, the infant working the checkout line at your local grocery store – the list may be endless) may, in fact, think you’re stupid.
Huh? Just because you’re older? That hardly seems fair.
Should we apply the same mentality to cool? Are you not cool because you’re older? Many younger people seem to think just that.
But you know better. Regardless what others think, you’re definitely not stupid. Wisdom’s got to count for something, right? If you’ve been paying attention at all as your life has run its course so far, then you’re definitely a lot wiser than you were in your younger days. At least you should be, right?
Which brings us to this website…
We created Old, Fat, and Stupid to help men over 50 live lives of no regret.